
Jesus wept bible verse
Jesus wept bible verse

jesus wept bible verse

jesus wept bible verse

It would be interesting to read more of this account! I wonder what Lazarus’ reaction to his being brought back in mortality was! “Now why did you do that? I was doing just fine where I was, and now I’m back? What happened?” He could have easily said to those mourners, “Look, have faith – I am about to do the impossible!” Rather, Jesus took the time required to express his compassion, feeling the pains of those around him. He showed all of us the perfect example in mourning, in showing empathy to those that are in pain. Mourning with those he loved, Jesus showed his deep love for all present.

jesus wept bible verse

#Jesus wept bible verse how to

He shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people… that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities (Alma 7:11-12). In fact, from the book of Alma we read the following: He is a personal God who feels our pains. This is a testimony of God’s love for each and every one of us. Think of it – here was Jesus, the one who knew he had the power to raise Lazarus from the dead, in fact, would, in just a matter of minutes, and he took the time to experience the spiritual pains of those that he loved. When he approached the tomb, Jesus found Mary, saw her emotional state and those that loved Lazarus, he wept. He is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25).

jesus wept bible verse

If he can heal broken, lifeless bodies, certainly he can work his grace in us, changing our hearts, our minds, and our desires. Jesus Christ can fix anything that is broken. This line of thinking is something that many students can relate with, and it is this very idea that the Savior is addressing in this episode. How often do we put limitations on the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ to mend things that are broken? How do we limit the Savior’s ability to heal us? We believe that his power is operational in the lives of other people, perhaps those we look up to, but surely the Savior cannot transform our problems or make rough things smooth. This was something that Mary supposed was beyond Jesus’ power to fix. Mary thought that Jesus could have done something had he arrived sooner, but that with Lazarus being dead so long, there was no chance of recovery (John 11:32). 2 John 11.43 “Lazarus, come forth!”Ī connection to the lives of the students might have to do with how many viewed Jesus’ chances of raising Lazarus. God was glorified and the divinity of the Son of Man was vindicated in the result. At the tomb, when he was called forth, there were many witnesses, some of them prominent Jews, many of whom were unfriendly to Jesus and who would have readily denied the miracle had they been able. No question as to the actual death of Lazarus could be raised, for his demise had been witnessed, his body had been prepared and buried in the usual way, and he had lain in the grave four days.

Jesus wept bible verse